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What Is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid found in the Iboga shrub of West Africa. It has been shown to disrupt addiction to substances such as heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine/crack, nicotine, and a variety of prescription opioids, gambling, and even sugar in the process reducing or eliminating cravings for such substances or activities. That’s why Ibogaine is commonly referred to as an ‘addiction interrupter’.

Iboga (the plant) has traditionally been used by members of the Bwiti religion in rite-of-passage ceremonies and for healing purposes. The Bwiti take doses of Ibogaine high enough to induce psychedelic experiences in a communal setting. The same approach is not taken when using Ibogaine to treat people with substance abuse problems. The difference between the two approaches is that an isolated Ibogaine alkaloid is used for addiction treatment to provide a safer medical environment.

The psychedelic experience that Ibogaine induces can include visions, auditory hallucinations, as well as the surfacing of previously repressed memories and emotions. Often, those experiences offer insight into what triggered the substance abuse in the first place. Many people describe it as a vivid, dream-like (you are not sleeping), experience where you get to re-explore the trauma and pain of your past in an emotionally secure and nonreactive state. This is the ultimate form of psychotherapy because it allows you to disconnect the painful emotions of the past and see them for what they are, fundamental events required for you to be you, and as you recognize that and accept it you being to love yourself again, realizing you are perfect.

To the person who has used or might be using Ibogaine, it is seen by many as a ‘miracle’ and many people refer to it as such. This classification deserves some explanation though because so many think that a miracle as simply magic that requires no effort. Instead, Ibogaine is a miracle that, in many cases, is found by those who have tried everything else and nothing has worked. When an individual has gotten to their lowest point, Ibogaine can be that last straw that finally provides them the tools they need to overcome addiction.

It requires a great amount of commitment because what Ibogaine really is, is a ‘miracle tool’. It is a golden ticket that can open the door into the world of freedom. But, once you are through the door you must walk the path. Much like a baby being born is a miracle, it then requires decades of work by parents and the child alike to succeed. So too is the Ibogaine experience, which then requires decades of work on yourself and your recovery to truly leave behind the old you. From those of us who have gone through this process, we want you to know that Ibogaine is a tool and that when used correctly it provides a miracle-like transformation. Please let us teach you how to use this tool properly and free yourself from addiction forever.



Ibogaine Experience

An Ibogaine experience is an incredible journey like no other. By inducing a dreamlike but conscious state, ibogaine therapy reaches deeply into the subconscious to penetrate the innermost dimension of oneself, providing the opportunity for deep cognitive evaluation.

These reflections provide insight to help in processing core issues such as traumas, anxieties and significant past life events that in many cases have led to reactive behaviors such as excessive drug and alcohol use or abuse. It is during this period of intense introspective clarity that feelings of fear, guilt, shame and depression are lifted and replaced with a newfound outlook and positive alignment concerning one’s self and one’s value.

Following this psychotherapeutic journey, the guest will reflect upon their experience with their therapist providing the opportunity to externally process and further contemplate the journey. It is during this therapy that past behavioral patterns, environments and social factors that supported the prior behaviors are identified, and goals are set to modify future patterns in support of healthier and happier life choices.

The Ibogaine experience is characterized by three distinct phases; the onset of which progresses gradually beginning 30 minutes following administration.

First Phase (0-1 hours): ACUTE PHASE. The acute phase begins 1 to 3 hours after taking ibogaine and can typically last 4 to 8 hours. Most report a “panoramic,” mostly visual experience of past memories. It’s often described as a “waking dream state” with varying experiences that might include contact with transcendent beings, passage along a lengthy path, or floating. People often report being placed in or entering visual landscapes, rather than experiencing intrusive visual or auditory hallucinations. Not all subjects experience visual phenomena from ibogaine, which may be related to dose, bioavailability, and interindividual variation.

Second Phase (1-7 hours): EVALUATIVE PHASE. The evaluative phase begins approximately 4 to 8 hours after taking ibogaine and can can last 8 to 20 hours. People often report recalling fewer memories in this phase along with a more neutral and reflective emotional tone. Attention is directed at evaluating the experiences of the acute phase. Many prefer as little environmental stimuli during this phase and the acute phase as it’s easy to become agitated or annoyed by distractions.

Third Phase (8-12 hours)  RESIDUAL STIMULATION PHASE. The residual stimulation phase begins approximately 12 to 24 hours after taking ibogaine and can last 24 to 48 hours or more. Attention shifts back to the external environment during this phase while the subjective psychoactive experience begins to fade. Normal physical movement returns and people often report heightened arousal and vigilance during this period. Some report a reduced need for sleep following treatment.

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